

Optimal Routes for your Data (12/11/2020) - An overview of currently used routing protocols and a investigation of a mathematically optimal alternative. Visualizations and code included! Post in collaboration with Akshay Yeluri.
A (Detailed) Look at the 4-Color Theorem (7/24/2019) - A proof that went undone for 80 years - we'll go from maps, to planar graphs, to Kempe chains, to the final computer assisted solution.
Putting #1 First – Deriving Benford’s Law (7/20/2019) - Looking at when this elusive "first-digit law" does (and doesn't) apply.
Mathematicians’ Many Hats (7/12/2019) - Solving riddles about hat colors with logic and a bit of set theory.
A Variation on Bertrand’s Paradox (with Python simulation code) (7/2/2019) - Understanding the importance of a well-posed problem by examining a math problem with 3 different "correct" solutions.
Inside Out Universe – The (Legitimate) Hollow Earth Theory (7/17/2017) - Using projective geometry to invert the world as we know it.
Buffon’s Needles and Noodles (6/12/2017) - A probability exercise leads to an exploration of circles and other shapes of constant width.
Rainbows and Optics (1/8/2017) - Finding the reason for a rainbow by analyzing a single spherical drop of water.
Spatial Reasoning Brainteaser (12/23/2016) - A simple puzzle involving engineering drawings.
Error and Multiple Measurements (12/23/2016) - Mathematically quantifying error a.k.a. being right about how wrong you are.